Resources > Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence

Supporting Survivors

Learn what VAL­OUR’ sup­port skills can sound like when you are sup­port­ing a sur­vivor of sex­u­al violence 

Skills for Providing Support - VALOUR

Use the acronym VAL­OUR to help you remem­ber key skills for pro­vid­ing sup­port to sur­vivors in your life. Val­our means courage and it takes a lot of courage to talk about sex­u­al violence.

8 Ways You Can Help Prevent Sexual Violence

Learn about 8 ways you can help pre­vent sex­u­al vio­lence and con­tribute to cre­at­ing a safer community! 

Sex-Trafficking 101

Myths of sex-traf­fick­ing debunked with the facts! 

Draw The Line

Engag­ing Ontar­i­ans in a dia­logue about sex­u­al violence.

Street Harassment Infographic Letter

Stand up to sex­u­al harassment!

Reasons Not To Go To Take Back the Night - August 2016

We’ve been cel­e­brat­ing Take Back the Night in Hamil­ton since 1981 and unfor­tu­nate­ly lots of folks have still not heard about it. Just like lots of folks in Hamil­ton don’t know about the amaz­ing work that SACHA is doing.

Myths and Lies We’re Taught About Sexual Violence

Our society’s under­stand­ing of sex­u­al assault is com­pli­cat­ed by myths. Many of these myths blame or shame the sur­vivor of sex­u­al assault, instead of hold­ing the offend­er respon­si­ble for their actions.

Causes of Sexual Assault

Cre­at­ed by SACHA and designed by McMas­ter University’s stu­dent news­pa­per, The Silhouette

Please share wide­ly while cred­it­ing SACHA and not edit­ing, crop­ping, or chang­ing the image.

Men Taking Action

Men can play a huge role in end­ing gen­der-based violence.

Bystander Intervention

You can inter­rupt sketchy behav­iour at a bar, con­cert, or a par­ty to pre­vent sex­u­al violence.

Taking Action to End Sexual Violence!

End­ing sex­u­al vio­lence feels like a GIANT task, but there are lit­tle things that you can do every day to work to cre­ate a cul­ture of con­sent, to chal­lenge vic­tim blam­ing, to stand up to rape cul­ture, and to sup­port survivors.