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Public Education

The Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram offers excit­ing work­shops and events that cre­ate space for peo­ple to explore pre­ven­tion, edu­ca­tion for change, and tak­ing action to end sex­u­al violence.

Book a workshop or table

Our Public Educator can be reached Tuesday to Friday - 9am-5pm
Daytime, weekend and evening workshops are available
Contact us through our contact form or call 905.525.4573 to book a workshop or a SACHA information table

  • Work­shops and train­ings to help Hamil­ton to pre­vent sex­u­al violence.
  • Infor­ma­tion tables at events that pro­vide infor­ma­tion about sex­u­al vio­lence, bystander inter­ven­tion cam­paigns and SACHA’s services 
  • Edu­ca­tion that is rel­e­vant to par­tic­i­pants lived experience.
  • Con­nec­tions between caus­es of sex­u­al vio­lence and oth­er forms of oppression.
  • Cam­paigns that chal­lenge vic­tim blam­ing, rape myths and help com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers learn how to sup­port sur­vivors and pre­vent sex­u­al violence.
  • Accu­rate infor­ma­tion on the dynam­ics and preva­lence of sex­u­al vio­lence as well as sur­vivors respons­es to trauma.
  • Pre­sen­ta­tions for schools, com­mu­ni­ty groups, med­ical pro­fes­sion­als, unions, fes­ti­vals, faith groups, work­places, sports teams, col­leges and uni­ver­si­ty, youth groups, camps, and many others.
  • Each work­shop is cus­tomized for the group we’re pre­sent­ing to.
  • Coor­di­nates Take Back the Night and Hamil­ton Fem­i­nist Zine Fair

Workshops and Trainings Offered:


-Bystander Intervention

-Trauma-Informed Care

-SACHA’s Services

-Supporting Sex-Trafficking Survivors

-Understanding Sexual Violence, Power and Oppression

-Workplace Sexual Harassment

-Online Sexual Violence

-Building Healthy Relationships

-Exploring Healthy Sexuality

-Allyship Against Gender-Based Violence

-Sexual Violence Prevention

-Unlearning Sexual Violence Myths and Misconceptions

-Understanding Childhood Sexual Abuse and Its Impacts

-Cultivating a Consent Culture (for homes/families, schools, sports teams, or workplaces etc.)

-Supporting Survivors Experiencing Oppression (can be specific and customized, for example ‘Supporting Disabled Survivors or Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ Survivors)

-Intersectional Feminsims, and Anti-Oppression

-Honouring and Destigmatizing Coping and Healing

-Hands-on / Activity Based Workshops (example zine making while talking about sexual violence/ consent/ building a better world)

-And more! We are always happy to create new and customized workshops!

Quotes from Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion Participants:

"I just wanted to reach out quickly to appreciate your time and energy once again. You're a fantastic facilitator, as I said that is hands down the best session on sexual violence I've ever been a part of both in terms of content and framing and the way that you facilitated it. Everything was thoughtful and nuanced, I'm so glad I got to learn from you tonight. As a survivor myself, it was refreshing, holistic, and I want to say even a bit healing."

"The presentation was very well done! I learned so much, I felt very engaged and I am now confident enough to know what to do if I myself or another person was experiencing a form of sexual violence, what steps and approaches to take to lessen the negative outcomes."

"Miranda's (SACHA's Public Education Coordinator) energy and ability to explain valid points surrounding sexual violence with empathy, understanding & compassion. Really making us aware of how to speak when supporting someone in this situation. As nerve racking as it is to do group scenarios she made it as comfortable as possible and I appreciated the feedback."

"I really enjoyed the breakout rooms and the conversations we had. I also enjoyed the recap after these breakout rooms. They gave me ideas that I did not originally think of and I think gave me more tools to help stop sexual violence. I also love the contact info that was given to help us if in need. I also really liked the emphasis on safety. I think that is so important and always needs to be remembered. You cannot help anyone unless you yourself are safe."