Home > Are you in crisis?

Are you in crisis?

Cri­sis can include a lot of things: being recent­ly sex­u­al assault­ed, see­ing your abuser, hav­ing a night­mare, being over­whelmed by feel­ings brought up by a sex­u­al assault in the media, mem­o­ries of child­hood sex­u­al abuse com­ing up, and lots more.

In imme­di­ate crisis?

Were you recent­ly sex­u­al­ly assaulted?

You are not alone. You deserve sup­port. You are not to blame. You get to decide what to do next.

If you can, talk to a trust­ed friend or call SACHA’s Sup­port Line. 

We sug­gest med­ical treat­ment after a sex­u­al assault. 

We offer 24 hour accom­pa­ni­ment to the Sexual/​Assault Domes­tic Vio­lence Care Cen­tre. Call SACHA’s Sup­port Line for more infor­ma­tion — 905.525.4162.

Are you safe right now?

If you are in imme­di­ate dan­ger, please call 911. If you would like to report a sex­u­al assault to Hamil­ton Police Ser­vices, a SACHA work­er can accom­pa­ny you if you like. Call SACHA’s 24 Hour Sup­port Line to find out more — 905.525.4162.

Do you have a place to stay tonight?

Your safe­ty is impor­tant. Click here for emer­gency hous­ing resources in Hamilton. 

If you need help arrang­ing safe hous­ing, SACHA’s 24 Hour Sup­port Line can help — 905.525.4162.

Do you have a friend who needs help?

Friends and fam­i­ly can call SACHA’s 24 Hour Sup­port Line to get info and ideas about sup­port­ing sur­vivors — 905.525.4162.

We’re here to listen.

You don’t need to be in crisis to call our 24 Hour Support Line at 905-525-4162!