Ending Sexual Violence > Ending sexual violence in the world
Ending sexual violence

Ending sexual violence in the world

A world with­out sex­u­al vio­lence is pos­si­ble. SACHA works year round to cre­ate spaces for sur­vivors to feel val­i­dat­ed and for our com­mu­ni­ty to take action to cre­ate a cul­ture based on consent.

What can you do?

  • Learn more about sex­u­al vio­lence — Lis­ten to sur­vivor sto­ries, how abusers use pow­er and con­trol, how dif­fer­ent forms of oppres­sion inter­sect, rec­og­niz­ing rape cul­ture hap­pen­ing every day, what enthu­si­as­tic con­sent looks like. So much to learn!
  • Prac­tice your con­sent skills — It’s not just for sex! Ask­ing for a hug or check­ing to see if you can take some­one’s pho­to is a great way to prac­tice con­sent every day.
  • Think and pre­pare — Treat bystander inter­ven­tion like first aid! Read up on what you could do before sit­u­a­tions hap­pen. Talk with friends, read arti­cles, brain­storm ideas.
  • Take ACTION! – Now that you’ve thought about it, use one of your many tools to chal­lenge oppres­sive or sketchy behaviour.
  • Speak OUT! – Cre­ate a video, zine, piece of art, write a blog post, post arti­cles and info­graph­ics, talk with friends.
  • Sup­port Sur­vivors – Lis­ten to them. Believe them. Ask them how you can help. 

Need some­one to bounce ideas off of? Call SACHA’s 24 Sup­port Line to talk about how you can take action every day — 905.525.4152


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