Blog > Creative Ways Survivors Connect with Chat Supports

Creative Ways Survivors Connect with Chat Supports

March 10, 2022

Sur­vivors show immense strength draw­ing on their resources and find­ing new ways to cope with their trau­ma. SACHA’s new WebChat & Text Sup­port Ser­vice has been used by sur­vivors in many cre­ative ways and sit­u­a­tions. The Chat is very dis­creet so it can be used in sit­u­a­tions where talk­ing on the phone would reveal vis­cer­al­ly per­son­al infor­ma­tion. The chat has been used to get sup­port after trig­ger­ing inci­dents with­out hav­ing to leave the par­ty, to dis­cuss stig­ma­tized inci­dents while in close quar­ters with fam­i­ly mem­bers due to COVID, and while wait­ing for an appoint­ment at a med­ical clinic. 

The Chat is also more flex­i­ble with regards to tim­ing: it is not unusu­al for a sur­vivor to take a cou­ple of min­utes between texts. This has made it pos­si­ble for sur­vivors to use the chat inter­mit­tent­ly at work and dur­ing trig­ger­ing online lec­tures. These two fea­tures com­bine to make using the chat much eas­i­er for par­ents who can’t find unin­ter­rupt­ed time alone and who don’t want their chil­dren to over­hear a phone call. 

The Chat is also excel­lent for shar­ing resources. It is much eas­i­er to receive phone num­bers and web­sites over text than writ­ing them down while on the phone. Sur­vivors have been able to check resources out and let the vol­un­teer know if they look promis­ing or if some­thing else is need­ed. Often, peo­ple use the chat because of anx­i­ety about talk­ing on the phone. We’re able to pro­vide infor­ma­tion on how intake works for the coun­selling pro­gram and what anony­mous report­ing is like, which can give sup­port seek­ers con­fi­dence for tak­ing the next steps. 

While we don’t keep records of Chats, sup­port seek­ers have men­tioned sav­ing cer­tain snip­pets of their chats to look back on lat­er. Many peo­ple also find it help­ful to have visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tions of infor­ma­tion, such as dif­fer­ent tools we can share over the plat­form like visu­al gifs for guid­ed breath­ing. Sur­vivors have made the Chat work for them in ways we nev­er imag­ined while start­ing the pro­gram, and we hope it can be use­ful in many unique sit­u­a­tions to come. 

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