Blog > What is group?

What is group?

January 14, 2020

Sex­u­al abuse sur­vivors may know that oth­er peo­ple have expe­ri­enced vio­lence, but it is a very dif­fer­ent feel­ing to be in a room with oth­er peo­ple say­ing I felt this,” or I lived this,” and know­ing that you are not alone in your healing. 

SACHA offers closed groups for sur­vivors who have expe­ri­enced child­hood sex­u­al abuse. Reg­is­tra­tion is ongo­ing, so if you are inter­est­ed please call and chat with a coun­sel­lor. We will run a group as soon as we have enough peo­ple reg­is­tered. This hap­pens usu­al­ly twice a year — in the spring and fall. 

I learned a lot from group. The most important thing I learned is that I am important. – SACHA group participant

What is Closed Group?

Closed group has the same mem­bers com­ing each week from begin­ning to end. This con­sis­ten­cy helps folks to devel­op trust and safe­ty in the group process. Group mem­bers know that they will see famil­iar faces each week.

Uncer­tain­ty is a wor­ry for many new group mem­bers. Over the course of group many peo­ple sur­prise them­selves when they felt com­fort­able shar­ing their feel­ings and their life experiences.

We may have different stories, but we all have the same feelings. The leaders were awesome and made me feel its ok to be me. With all my emotions and confusion. -- SACHA group participant

What About Talking?

Learn to be kinder to myself. Knowing I’m not alone, able to share with others. – SACHA group participant

There is no expec­ta­tion for you to share more than you are com­fort­able with. There is an expec­ta­tion that you will par­tic­i­pate in dis­cus­sions but that can look very dif­fer­ent for each person. 

The topics were all very educational and allowed us open up and be safe and comfortable in our process of sharing. – SACHA group participant

What’s Cov­ered in Group?

Each group looks dif­fer­ent depend­ing on the par­tic­i­pants. Group mem­bers shape the expe­ri­ence and structure. 

Some group top­ics may include:

  • Healthy rela­tion­ships
  • Under­stand­ing the impacts of sex­u­al violence
  • Feel­ings
  • What heal­ing can mean?
  • Cop­ing
  • Grief and loss
  • Strengths


It is ok to have fears about group. You may find rea­sons that pre­vent you from want­i­ng to join a SACHA group. We encour­age you reach out and chat with a coun­sel­lor about your con­cerns. Meet­ing with a coun­sel­lor might help you feel more pre­pared, braver and see that you have some­thing impor­tant to offer to the group. 

Some­thing to reflect on before start­ing group:

  • Have I already tak­en the time to focus on my heal­ing needs? Most sur­vivors need times in their heal­ing when they only focus on them­selves in order to be present for anoth­er sur­vivor and pro­vide sup­port to others.
  • Am I ready to hear oth­ers trau­ma sto­ries know­ing that some­times it can be over­whelm­ing and triggering?
  • Am I in a place in my heal­ing process where I can sup­port oth­ers while valu­ing my own heal­ing process too?
  • Can I speak about my expe­ri­ences in front of oth­ers? I can decide what I want to share in group but I know I am able to share per­son­al thoughts and feel­ings with the group.
  • Can I par­tic­i­pate in group by lis­ten­ing and sup­port­ing oth­ers as well as tak­ing risks to share about myself in a respect­ful way?


I am comfortable with my first experience in a group setting. I wouldn’t feel as afraid to enter one again. – SACHA group participant

If closed group sounds like some­thing you are inter­est­ed in, call SACHA to chat with a coun­sel­lor – 905.525.4573.

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