Blog > Ways To Be Involved: Virtual Take Back the Night 2020

Ways To Be Involved: Virtual Take Back the Night 2020

August 18, 2020

There are so many ways you can be involved in Hamil­ton Vir­tu­al Take Back the Night this year! It would not be TBTN with­out hav­ing our amaz­ing com­mu­ni­ty come togeth­er! Please feel free to par­tic­i­pant in as many ways as you’d like. For ques­tions or addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion con­tact SACHA’s Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion Coor­di­na­tor Miran­da at miranda@​sacha.​ca. Thank you for your sup­port of SACHA and Take Back the Night! 

All sub­mis­sions due by Sep­tem­ber 7th

Com­mu­ni­ty Showcase: Open to any com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber who would like to per­form! We are look­ing to show­case your tal­ents! Whether it be visu­al art, music, poet­ry, a speech or some­thing else entire­ly we want to give all com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers a space to be part of TBTN. All per­for­mances should con­nect in some way to the theme Reimag­ine, Resist, Rebuild. All per­for­mances will be pre­re­cord­ed by you and sent as a video file. Please send an email to miranda@​sacha.​ca detail­ing what you would like to per­form for the com­mu­ni­ty show­case and how it relates to this year’s theme. Sub­mis­sions due by Sep­tem­ber 7th. Max­i­mum 15 minute sub­mis­sions. Hon­o­rar­i­ums available. 

Sur­vivors Stories: Open to all sur­vivors of sex­u­al vio­lence. This is a chance to share a piece of your jour­ney in any way that feels com­fort­able with you. It can be through song, dance, poet­ry, a writ­ten sto­ry, visu­al art, or anoth­er medi­um of your choice. You can share as much or as lit­tle of your sto­ry as you’d like and you can be as open or as anony­mous as you’d like. For exam­ple you can record a video of your­self with your face and name on dis­play or you can sub­mit a piece to be read by a SACHA staff with or with­out your name. This is your space to say what­ev­er it is you need to say. Email miranda@​sacha.​ca with your sub­mis­sions or for more infor­ma­tion. Sub­mis­sions due by Sep­tem­ber 7th. Max­i­mum 10 minute sub­mis­sions. Hon­o­rar­i­ums available.

Photo/​Video Sub­mis­sion: We are look­ing to high­light past TBTN expe­ri­ences and show­case what would have been seen at the ral­ly and march this year. Send in video clips and pic­tures for past TBTN’s and quotes about what TBTN means to you! Also sub­mit pic­tures of the signs you would car­ry this year, win­dow dis­plays, chalk draw­ings, your favourite march out­fit or fem­i­nist pins and patch­es that speak to this year’s theme of Reimag­ine, Resist, Rebuild. Even phys­i­cal­ly apart we stand togeth­er in sol­i­dar­i­ty! Please send pho­tos and videos to miranda@​sacha.​ca and include the year when pos­si­ble. Sub­mis­sions due by Sep­tem­ber 7th.

Chant: We can­not chant togeth­er in per­son but still want to stand in sol­i­dar­i­ty togeth­er. Join us be cre­at­ing a video of your house­hold, work­place, or social bub­ble per­form­ing the chant and dance A Rapist in Your Path” start­ed in Chile as a response social inequal­i­ty and gen­der-based vio­lence. See this link to see how this chant has spread across the globe and how you can cre­ate your own sub­mis­sion. Chant either in the orig­i­nal Span­ish or in Eng­lish and sub­mit your video to be includ­ed in our vir­tu­al TBTN this year by email­ing miranda@​sacha.​ca. Sub­mit­ted videos can be any length but may be edit­ed to fit out time slots. Sub­mis­sions due by Sep­tem­ber 7th.

Com­mu­ni­ty Sol­i­dar­i­ty: In lieu of hav­ing tables at our ral­ly that rep­re­sent dif­fer­ent groups and orga­ni­za­tions you can sub­mit a short video clip that send mes­sages of sol­i­dar­i­ty to the com­mu­ni­ty! You can also send us infor­ma­tion about your ser­vices (ex. Changes made due to the pan­dem­ic) that can be includ­ed in writ­ing along with your video clip. For more infor­ma­tion please con­tact miranda@​sacha.​ca. Max­i­mum 1 – 5 minute sub­mis­sion. In lieu of a table fee we are ask­ing for $50 dona­tions from orga­ni­za­tions but none will be turned away. Sub­mis­sions due by Sep­tem­ber 7th.

Short-term Con­tracts Available:

Video Edi­tor: We need an amaz­ing and tal­ent­ed per­son to help take on the task of putting togeth­er our vision for this vir­tu­al TBTN. Send your resume to miranda@​sacha.​ca by Sep­tem­ber 4th. This is a short-term paid contract. 

T‑shirt Design: We are look­ing for a won­der­ful local artist to design our t‑shirts for this event! These t‑shirts will be sold to the com­mu­ni­ty lead­ing up to the event and after to help raise funds for SACHA. If you have a design in mind that fits this year’s theme of Reimag­ine, Resist, Rebuild email miranda@​sacha.​ca to describe your idea and with some past exam­ples of your work by Sep­tem­ber 4th. This is short-term paid contract.

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