Blog > Take Back the Night 2024 - I Believe A World Free Of Violence Is Possible

Take Back the Night 2024 - I Believe A World Free Of Violence Is Possible

August 30, 2024

I Believe A World Free Of Vio­lence Is Possible

This year when choos­ing our theme we want­ed it to reflect the rea­son we gath­er every year. It can seem like a big dream or almost impos­si­ble to imag­ine a world free of vio­lence but we ask you to do so any­ways. A world where we are all safe and free and able to achieve is not too big to achieve when we work togeth­er, in fact we can dream so much big­ger than that! Join us in declar­ing that a world free of vio­lence is pos­si­ble, and we won’t stop march­ing until it becomes a reality. 

What is TBTN?

Take Back the Night is an annu­al event that has been hap­pen­ing in Hamil­ton for over 40 years and con­tin­ues to hap­pen every Sep­tem­ber all over the world. Our goal is to denounce sex­u­al vio­lence, gen­der based vio­lence and street harass­ment while pro­vid­ing a space for empow­er and sol­i­dar­i­ty with sur­vivors. We will have a gath­er­ing with com­mu­ni­ty tables, an Indige­nous mar­ket, live music, activ­i­ties, give­aways, and more! Fol­low­ing that we will ral­ly with speech­es from com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers who will speak on our theme. And then the most icon­ic part of the night we march with signs and chants through the streets to take up space and assert ours rights to live safely! 

Who can attend TBTN?

Peo­ple of all gen­ders and all ages are wel­come to attend TBTN. This includes sur­vivors, advo­cates and allies who sup­port SACHA’s work and want to show love and sol­i­dar­i­ty to sur­vivors. If you care about cre­at­ing a world free of vio­lence this event is for you! As a com­mu­ni­ty we have power!


6pm — 8pm Com­mu­ni­ty Tables, Indige­nous Mar­ket, Activ­i­ties, Per­for­mances, Give­aways, & More

8pm — 8:15pm Wel­come, Speech­es, Chants

8:15pm — 9:15pm March Through the Streets!

Loca­tion: Hamil­ton City Hall Forecourt 

March Route

Vol­un­teer­ing at TBTN

Each year we rely on incred­i­ble TBTN vol­un­teers to make the event a huge suc­cess! We are cur­rent­ly look­ing for vol­un­teers of any gen­der age 18+ who can sup­port the event in roles such as tabling sup­port, march mar­shals, and set-up & take-down roles. Vol­un­teers must be able to attend a full day train­ing on Sep­tem­ber 15th at the YWCA to be trained in de-esca­la­tion, anti-racism, anti-oppres­sion, event logis­tics, and role spe­cif­ic instruc­tions. There will be vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties on the day of TBTN (Sept 19th) from 2pm — 11:30pm with flex­i­ble shift lengths but we ask that you can com­mit to at least 3 hours of vol­un­teer­ing at TBTN. To learn more and sign us vis­it:…

TBTN and Police

In order to gain City of Hamil­ton approval for TBTN to have a march on Hamil­ton streets it is required that there be a police pres­ence at TBTN. There will be 9 offi­cers with 3 police cruis­ers sta­tioned near­by the march. We have con­firmed with HPS that police offi­cers will be sta­tioned off of the march route (one inter­sec­tion away) except in 2 spots required by HPS and the City of Hamil­ton where they will be sta­tioned on the route. Police are there in a road clo­sure capac­i­ty only and not for crowd con­trol (see Mar­shal sec­tion below for more on their roles dur­ing the march). We under­stand that a police pres­ence may be a bar­ri­er for some peo­ple to be able to safe­ly attend the event. 

The Role of Mar­shals at TBTN

TBTN has mar­shals who are either SACHA Staff, TBTN Com­mit­tee Mem­bers or vol­un­teers who have all attend­ed train­ing for their role in de-esca­la­tion, and anti-racism, anti-oppres­sion practices. 

  • Mar­shal­ing at Take Back The Night is one of the ways in which we keep each oth­er safe and reflect affirm­ing mes­sages back to our com­mu­ni­ty as we march.
  • Mar­shals assist in hold­ing ban­ners with affirm­ing and sup­port­ive mes­sages along the march­ing route, using ban­ners as a visu­al block to cre­ate a safer space for all sur­vivors attend­ing the event.
  • Mar­shals may also walk along the sides, front, and back of the march to assist and sup­port com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers. Mar­shals will not police how com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers express them­selves, and are present to sup­port the safe­ty of every­one participating.
  • Mar­shalls are the first point of con­tact for any­one par­tic­i­pat­ing at Take Back The Night if there is a con­cern or some­thing requires attention.
  • Mar­shalls have received non-vio­lent de-esca­la­tion train­ing from SACHA and will engage with the pub­lic using what they have learned
  • Mar­shalls are respon­si­ble for han­dling any sit­u­a­tions that may arise dur­ing the march, access­ing the sit­u­a­tion and con­nect­ing with SACHA’s Direc­tor if fur­ther attention/​support is needed
  • We ask all Take Back The Night par­tic­i­pants to allow Mar­shalls to han­dle sit­u­a­tions and not to get involved in any dis­rup­tions to the march should they arise.

What can you expect dur­ing the 6 – 8pm com­mu­ni­ty gath­er­ing and tabling time?

Click on the head­ings below to tell you all the details!

SACHA is one of many community organizations doing amazing work in Hamilton. Take Back the Night will feature tables from other groups in Hamilton that are doing work to support the community including unions, non profits, and grassroots organizations. Come learn about the support and resources available to you in the city and pick up some free giveaways!

Celebrate and support Indigenous artisans and businesses by visiting our third annual TBTN Indigenous Market! The market will feature tables from local Indigenous artists , crafters, and services to sell jewelry, illustrations, mugs and more! Arriving early to TBTN means you have more time to browse and find the perfect piece for you to take home to remember the night and show your support to Indigenous creators!

While you browse the tables you are in luck! You will get to hear from some amazing local talent in Hamilton who have been preparing musical performances that will tug on your heart strings! With amazing storytelling lyrics and emotional compositions you just might find your new favourite artist at TBTN!

We also have a range of activities for all ages that you can participate in at TBTN! Stop by one of our SACHA tables to learn more about the ‘You Can March With Me’ initiative where we pair folks who come alone up with buddies to march, enjoy some time colouring either outside with the crowds or inside in our quiet space, make your own protest sign that you can carry with you during the march and stop by our shirt table to buy your own TBTN 2024 official shirt!


Please click on the below head­ings to get more infor­ma­tion about acces­si­bil­i­ty at TBTN

Bathrooms are available inside the city hall building main floor. There are two gendered washrooms with individual stalls inside; and one single use accessible, all genders, family washroom. Location: in the hallway directly in front of the information desk.

There is a water fountain and bottle refill station inside the city hall building, main floor. Location: to the east of the information desk.

For a low sensory option we have a quiet space available. This space is inside the city hall building on the main floor. There will be a volunteer available at the space should you have any questions or need support. There still be colouring pages and some fidget options.

To ensure more folks can participate in TBTN we have ASL interpretation available for the Rally (speakers and chants) part of the evening. All speeches and chants have been provided to the ASL interpreter before the event so they may prepare. Please come to the front of the stage area if you require ASL interpretation for the best view.

To ensure more folks can participate in TBTN and so many can follow along we have created all of our SACHA TBTN designated chants before hand . The chants will be printed on the TBTN booklets that will be handed during the event to participants. The rally part of the event includes going through the chants to get everyone ready and energized to March. Designated TBTN chant leaders and Marshals will have copies of the chant and will attempt to say each chant in order so that the march is unified.

We are grateful to have an HSR Bus and DARTS vehicle available for the duration of the march. Thank you to the Amalgamated Transit Union and DARTS driver for their generous support. The DARTS vehicle is designated for individuals with mobility devices and others with disabilities need support to get through the route. The HSR bus is available for anyone who would rather ride the bus for the duration of the march. Both will be stationed on Main Street in front of city hall. An announcement will be made to inform event participants when they are to start boarding the vehicles. The vehicles will not stop throughout the march to allow participants to get on or get off; both will return to city hall at the end of the march. Both are available on a first come first ride basis.

The pace of the march is intentionally slow. We want to ensure everyone stays together and that no one is left behind. We invite families with strollers or wagons and individuals with mobility devices and/or physical disabilities who wish to march to the front of the march behind the marshal’s with banners. This will support keeping a slower pace. We ask all participants to remain behind marshals with banners and not move ahead of the march. Marshals will also be at the front, back, sides and middle of the march wearing safety sashes to support the direction of the march.

There is a short cut available for individuals who do not want to participate for the entire duration of the march. Individuals are invited to turn left on Summers lane (in between the Hamilton Convention Centre and Art Gallery of Hamilton) from King st and return to city hall. Marshals will be available on site to direct you.