Blog > TBTN 2023 - Community Power through Collective Resistance

TBTN 2023 - Community Power through Collective Resistance

August 30, 2023

Join us on Thurs­day Sep­tem­ber 21 2023 at the Hamil­ton City Hall Forecourt!

Our Theme:

We’re so excit­ed to announce the theme for this years Take Back the Night: Com­mu­ni­ty Pow­er through Col­lec­tive Resis­tance. We all have a role to play in end­ing vio­lence and when we can rec­og­nize the pow­er we have as com­mu­ni­ties to con­front oppres­sion and injus­tice, we are a pow­er­ful force for change. End­ing sex­u­al vio­lence, gen­der based vio­lence and street harass­ment are inter­sec­tion­al issues. All forms of oppres­sion need to be erad­i­cat­ed and all peo­ple must have the abil­i­ty to thrive with­out oppres­sion in order to tru­ly cre­ate a world free of violence. 

But, it’s impor­tant to remem­ber that we are here because of the activists, trail blaz­ers, and com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers who came before us. We want to send our love and thanks to the ances­tors and elders who led move­ments for change. So this year, we remem­ber those who strug­gled and fought for so much of what we have today, and we recom­mit to fight­ing for a bet­ter world for us, and those who come after us. It is our turn to fight, so that one day, there is no more need to fight for a world free of violence. 

Join us on Sep­tem­ber 21st as we Take Back the Night and find Com­mu­ni­ty Pow­er through Col­lec­tive Resistance.

Event Sched­ule:

Begin­ning at Hamil­ton City Hall Forecourt 

6:00 – 8:00pm WE GATH­ER — Com­mu­ni­ty Tables, Live Music, Indige­nous Mar­ket, Sto­ry­telling for kids

8:00 – 8:20pm WE RAL­LY — Speech­es and Prac­tic­ing Our Chants

8:20 – 9:20pm WE MARCH — route to be post­ed soon

9:20 — 9:45 Unwind and Goodbyes!