Blog > TBTN To Include Celebration, Joyful Resistance, and No March

TBTN To Include Celebration, Joyful Resistance, and No March

September 12, 2019

We are what we imag­ine. Our very exis­tence con­sists in our imag­i­na­tion of our­selves. Our best des­tiny is to imag­ine, at least, com­plete­ly who and what, and that we are.” – Scott Momaday

This year, the Take Back the Night Com­mit­tee has decid­ed not to march. This deci­sion was dif­fi­cult and it was one that cat­a­pult­ed con­ver­sa­tions amongst our­selves. Since our first meet­ings, safe­ty has been a promi­nent top­ic at our table. Care­ful­ly, we have con­sid­ered the impli­ca­tions of host­ing a march and have writ­ten this to explain our deci­sion mak­ing process. 

SACHA has orga­nized Take Back the Night for 38 mon­u­men­tal years in Hamil­ton. Over this time, like any­thing else, change has hap­pened. Not only with­in the orga­ni­za­tion but with­in the tapes­try of our soci­ety. That’s what makes this year­ly event so impor­tant. It’s a con­sis­tent tra­di­tion in Hamil­ton that cel­e­brates con­tin­ued com­mu­ni­ty build­ing through food and friend­ships, and the rev­el­ry root­ed in recla­ma­tion and joy. 

We rec­og­nize the dual­i­ty with­in this cel­e­bra­tion and know that we cel­e­brate in spite of the fear. We dance in the face of vio­lence with courage with­in com­mu­ni­ty. And so it is with­in com­mu­ni­ty that we rec­og­nize that safe­ty means dif­fer­ent things for dif­fer­ent peo­ple. Take Back the Night is a land­mark event that has worked towards cre­at­ing equi­table space for the recla­ma­tion of auton­o­my with­in a sys­tem that is struc­tural­ly vio­lent towards mar­gin­al­ized people. 

Struc­tur­al vio­lence is a term coined by Johan Gel­tung and it refers to the avoid­able impair­ment of human needs,” Some exam­ples include: sex­ism, racism, and pover­ty. We also rec­og­nize that when cou­pled with direct vio­lence, it can esca­late to sex­u­al vio­lence, gen­dered vio­lence, and hate crimes. The con­text of our deci­sion is reflec­tive of the real­i­ty of struc­tur­al vio­lence that so many of our atten­dees face, every day. 

On Sep­tem­ber 4, 2019, the Take Back the Night Com­mit­tee host­ed a TBTN Com­mu­ni­ty Town­hall on Safe­ty” – we want­ed to hear right from the com­mu­ni­ty what safe­ty looks like for them. This evening shed light on the com­plex­i­ty of this goal where it was reit­er­at­ed that safe­ty means dif­fer­ent things for dif­fer­ent peo­ple. Our amaz­ing facil­i­ta­tor, Yamikani, helped to get our group talk­ing about what they needed. 

Folks talked about the need for skill shar­ing (how do we learn to de-esca­late, what does con­flict trans­for­ma­tion look like), as well as top­ics like account­abil­i­ty and pow­er and priv­i­lege. We laughed about memes and made it through chal­leng­ing con­ver­sa­tions, togeth­er. The room ranged in gen­der, race, age and abil­i­ty. Togeth­er, we began to imag­ine what a bet­ter tomor­row could look like.

What was inter­est­ing was that no one men­tioned the police as a place of safe­ty. Our con­ver­sa­tions reflect­ed safe­ty with­in our com­mu­ni­ties and how we can cre­ate it for our­selves. This heav­i­ly impact­ed our deci­sion because Tak­ing Back the Night is only a joy­ful rev­o­lu­tion when there is an abil­i­ty to be safe in the deter­mi­na­tion to cre­ate new worlds. Decol­o­niza­tion is not an indi­vid­ual choice, this takes a col­lec­tiv­i­ty advo­cat­ing for sys­temic change,” says Dr. Kim Tall­Bear, an Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta. What if the col­lec­tiv­i­ty advo­cat­ed for joy in the con­stant change of life.

In August 2019, SACHA attend­ed a meet­ing with city work­ers, police, HSR, and staff from Coun­cil­lor Nann’s office. We approached the meet­ing with intent to con­tin­ue our march on the same route that is has for decades. To our sur­prise, it wasn’t an option on the table. Because of feed­back and amaz­ing turn out from pre­vi­ous Take Back the Night events, we want­ed to close all four lanes. This would enable marchers to take back the night with­out push­back about space. How­ev­er, this was deemed impos­si­ble because SACHA does not have the fund­ing to pay for the expens­es relat­ed to a four lane closure. 

Instead, there was a pro­pos­al for an alter­nate route that exit­ed the back of City Hall instead. This also includ­ed five paid duty offi­cers, two more than last year. SACHA can­not pay police offi­cers to attend Take Back the Night because we are a small non prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that relies heav­i­ly on grants and fundrais­ing to bring essen­tial ser­vices to sur­vivors of vio­lence. Although we received fund­ing from the City for the cost of three offi­cers in past TBTNs. Dur­ing the meet­ing, no ideas were put for­ward about how the extra cost of two more paid duty police offi­cers would be covered.

Robyn May­nard, author of Polic­ing Black Lives: State Vio­lence in Cana­da sug­gests that it’s nec­es­sary for us to imag­ine a world where we don’t use armed offi­cers and jails and pris­ons as solu­tions to eco­nom­ic prob­lems, health prob­lems, social prob­lems, and men­tal health issues. We need to rethink the mean­ing of safe­ty and justice,”

With­in this analy­sis and con­text, we decid­ed that we would not march in one lane, or on the side­walk, and we would not march down a near­ly invis­i­ble route with two extra police officers. 

This year, our theme is Joy­ful Rev­o­lu­tion Always – and for us, this means gath­er­ing in com­mu­ni­ty to cel­e­brate our cre­ativ­i­ty, our resilience and our pow­er. Take Back the Night, this year, is host­ing spo­ken word, musi­cal per­for­mances, a chill space, col­lab­o­ra­tions with Dis­abil­i­ty Jus­tice Net­work of Ontario and Centre[3]. We’re screen­print­ing our amaz­ing TBTN image cre­at­ed by Frizz Kid (lim­it­ed num­ber of totes and tshirts avail­able). There’s also going to be tons of com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions tabling at the event and a mighty fine playlist curat­ed by our fol­low­ers on social media!

There are many ways to end sex­u­al vio­lence. This year, we felt that we made the best deci­sion we can. We are so grate­ful for the sur­vivors that con­tin­ue to come out to Take Back the Night. Thank you to the Take Back the Night 2019 Com­mit­tee for your con­tin­ued hard work to bring this amaz­ing event togeth­er. The night has always been ours anyway. 

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