We are so excited to announce our Take Back the Night theme this year: Taking Back The Night On Stolen Land.
TBTN is a community event to bring awareness to issues of sexual violence, gender-based violence, and street harassment. Our annual event allows us to gather collectively as women, Two-Spirit, and gender-diverse people in solidarity and empowerment, and to fight for changes in our community that center survivors experiences and voices. We will be virtual this year but still want to celebrate community coming together in the safest ways we can.
For this year’s event we want to center Indigenous women, Two-Spirit, and gender diverse people. It is imperative that we work to bring awareness to how ongoing colonization leads to the high rates of sexual violence, gender-based violence and street harassment against Indigenous peoples but also to be a celebration of resistance, art, knowledge, and community. The theme we hope will be a reminder to people that all justice work must be rooted in decolonization and Indigenous sovereignty. Take Back the Night has always been about taking up and reclaiming space but when we take to the streets and take up space we have to remember we are taking up space on stolen Indigenous land that has been the land of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek peoples for long before colonization. And we have to do more than acknowledge colonization but actively work to join in solidarity with Indigenous people. We have seen the immense amount of retraumatization occurring for Indigenous peoples this year, and the intergenerational effects of trauma persisting and we want to show our love, support, and solidarity to those effected and surviving.
SACHA, and the TBTN Committee including representatives from amazing community organizations (Hamilton & District Labour Council, Native Women’s Centre, Interval House, and Sisters in Spirit) have been working hard to create for the community a memorable, meaningful, and exciting Take Back the Night. Join us online on YouTube this September 16th for our main event, but there is also more! Take Back the Night will not be contained to only one night this year, in the days leading up to the event we will also be hosting workshops, community discussions, and survivors support spaces so there are many ways you can be involved this year!
And there are ways you can be involved in the September 16th video as well! We are seeking performers, artists, musicians, poets, singers, and other arts-based demonstrators who are also Indigenous women, Two-Spirit, or gender-diverse people to be showcased in our event (for more information: https://forms.gle/qLco3xQrE1vttqMK8). We are also calling on all community members to submit messages of support, encouragement, solidarity, strength, love, and resilience to Indigenous youth to be shared in the video (for more information: https://forms.gle/z6RHL9THKtiR1GQx7)
We are so excited to share in the joys of Take Back the Night with you again this year! Our hashtag for this year’s event is #TBTNOnStolenLand and we can’t wait to hear from you!