Blog > Take Back the Night - Revolution Rooted in Love

Take Back the Night - Revolution Rooted in Love

August 24, 2022

For the first time since 2019, Take Back the Night will be in-per­son! Join us on Thurs­day Sep­tem­ber 15th for a Rev­o­lu­tion Root­ed in Love

This year, the march is back!

Our Theme:
Our theme is Rev­o­lu­tion Root­ed in Love’. This year, SACHA will be return­ing to the roots of Take Back the Night, to hon­our the event’s ori­gins and dream togeth­er where we can grow from here. This event began as a protest against the pow­ers that threat­en our safe­ty in pub­lic spaces, par­tic­u­lar­ly walk­ing the streets at night. In 2022 we take back those streets as a col­lec­tive, and proud­ly demon­strate that we deserve to exist safe­ly in any and all spaces. All acts of rev­o­lu­tion stem from love, and ours is no excep­tion. We do this for com­mu­ni­ty and for our­selves. We are ris­ing against all the ways we’ve been trimmed down, cre­at­ing a world of full­ness, a place to thrive, bloom, and flour­ish. We are ever grow­ing, and always root­ed in love.

Acces­si­bil­i­ty and COVID Safe­ty: For the first time since the start of the pan­dem­ic we are gath­er­ing in per­son again. We are SO excit­ed for this oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er and share in the mag­ic of TBTN. We also want this to be a space that is safe for all com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers and acces­si­ble to dis­abled, immuno­com­pro­mised, or oth­er­wise COVID-19 high-risk folks. TBTN is all about assert­ing our rights to be safe and so for the safe­ty of all of our com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers we ask that all par­tic­i­pants attend­ing this year wear masks dur­ing the event. 

(more infor­ma­tion about acces­si­bil­i­ty will con­tin­ue to be added here)

TBTN Offi­cial Art­work: The incred­i­ble art­work for TBTN 2022 was cre­at­ed by artist Nicole Dumont. She cap­tured the theme so beau­ti­ful­ly! Read more about her and her art­work below:

Artist Bio: Hamil­ton-born Nicole Dumont is a grad­u­ate stu­dent by day, and an artist by night. She takes inspi­ra­tion from the nat­ur­al world, and works with both dig­i­tal and tra­di­tion­al art medi­ums to bring por­traits and land­scapes to life. Nicole uses art to cel­e­brate her queer iden­ti­ty, and loves oppor­tu­ni­ties to mix art & activism.

About the Art: I love the theme of Rev­o­lu­tion Root­ed in Love” for TBTN this year. I believe we need to over­throw the oppres­sive cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem we live under to cre­ate a world that tru­ly val­ues human life, love, and com­pas­sion. I formed this design around the cen­tre woman with her hands raised togeth­er — this pose is a ref­er­ence to the dance that accom­pa­nies the fem­i­nist Chilean protest song A Rapist in Your Path” against sex­u­al vio­lence and vic­tim-blam­ing. But this woman is not alone, she is sup­port­ed by her com­mu­ni­ty & the lega­cy of activists before her, sym­bol­ized by the roots. The flow­ers that crown and sur­round the fig­ures rep­re­sent love that keeps these bonds alive.

Quote Cho­sen by Artist: eradicat[ing] patri­ar­chal dom­i­na­tion is a strug­gle root­ed in the long­ing to make a world where every­one can live ful­ly and freely, then we know our work to be a ges­ture of love. Let us draw upon that love to height­en our aware­ness, deep­en our com­pas­sion, inten­si­fy our courage and strength­en our com­mit­ment.” — bell hooks

TBTN T‑Shirts: Shirt Pre-Sales are now over! But we will still be sell­ing shirts on the day of while sup­plies last! Each shirt is $22 and pro­ceeds go to sup­port­ing our work with sur­vivors at SACHA

Vol­un­teer­ing at TBTN: Vol­un­teers want­ed! Join us Sep­tem­ber 10th for a full day of essen­tial event train­ing, in prepa­ra­tion for #TBTN2022 on Sep­tem­ber 15th. Train­ing includes anti-racism and anti-oppres­sion, de-esca­la­tion, event logis­tics, and more! Appli­ca­tions will be accept­ed until Sep­tem­ber 7th. CLICK HERE for more infor­ma­tion and the appli­ca­tion form 💖 TBTN would­n’t be pos­si­ble with­out amaz­ing volunteers! 

Gen­der Inclu­sion: This year TBTN is an event for peo­ple of all gen­ders, an event for all sur­vivors. Many peo­ple, regard­less of gen­der can­not walk at night with­out the fear of being a tar­get of street harass­ment. We are going back to our roots to take to the streets and demand that we deserve to be safe while out walk­ing at night. But a #Rev­o­lu­tion­Roote­dInLove is also about growth. And we have grown to under­stand that sex­u­al vio­lence and street harass­ment dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly effect peo­ple who expe­ri­ence var­i­ous forms of oppres­sion, not just misog­y­ny. And we have lis­tened to trans, Two-Spir­it, and non-bina­ry com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers tell us that the ways TBTN has been gen­dered in the past has made the night unsafe for them. We all deserve safe­ty, and no sur­vivor should ever have to feel alone. And so on Sep­tem­ber 15th, we march, ALL of us, we march! Because we all have a role to play in end­ing sex­u­al vio­lence and togeth­er as a com­mu­ni­ty we will get there.

Please read more about gen­der and #TBTN2022 here: www​.sacha​.ca/​b​l​o​g​/​T​B​T​N​-​g​ender

We are also soon to be announc­ing a vir­tu­al learn­ing and com­mu­ni­ty con­ver­sa­tion space that will be hap­pen­ing in advance if TBTN where you can come to under­stand more about why this deci­sion was made and about the role peo­ple of all gen­ders can play in end­ing sex­u­al violence.

Event Sched­ule:

Begin­ning at Hamil­ton City Hall Fourcourt 

6:00 – 8:00pm WE GATH­ER — Com­mu­ni­ty Tables, Live Music, Indige­nous Market

8:00 – 8:20pm WE RAL­LY — Speech­es and Prac­tic­ing Our Chants

8:20 – 9:20pm WE MARCH (see route below)

9:20 — 9:45 Gifts and Goodbyes! 

Hash­tags: We will be using #TBTN2022 #Rev­o­lu­tion­Roote­dInLove and #TBT­Nrev­o­lu­tion to help you find all of our event con­tent this year. And we would love to see your posts about the event too! 

March Route

TBTN 2022 Committee

Thank you to all the amazing community members who make up the TBTN 2022 Committee! This year our committee includes representation from the following organizations:

Thank you to our supporters!

Financial contributions from generous organizations and unions help us make TBTN the amazing event that it is!