Blog > 5 Ways to Support SACHA

5 Ways to Support SACHA

April 24, 2020

Look­ing for ways to sup­port SACHA? Here are 5 ideas!

Come To Events And Work­shops:
Sup­port SACHA by com­ing to events such as Take Back The Night, the Hamil­ton Fem­i­nist Zine Fair, Choco­late Fest, Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day, and the many events and work­shops run by the Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion and Diverse Com­mu­ni­ties Out­reach Programs.

Cre­ate A Fundrais­er:
Over the years we’ve seen com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers orga­nize many amaz­ing and cre­ative fundrais­ers to ben­e­fit SACHA! Whether you are col­lect­ing dona­tions for your birth­day, orga­niz­ing a bake sale, host­ing a music night, or donat­ing a por­tion of sales every bit helps!

Be A Month­ly Donor:
Did you know you can set up a month­ly dona­tion to SACHA? You can even choose a spe­cif­ic pro­gram or event that you want to sup­port. Dona­tions can come from indi­vid­u­als or com­pa­nies and you can choose to ded­i­cate your dona­tion to some­one in your life. Vis­it sacha​.ca/​d​onate

Share What You Know:
There are many ways you can share infor­ma­tion about SACHA! You can repost from our Face­book, Twit­ter, and Insta­gram @SACHAhamont, you can talk to the peo­ple in your life about what you have learned from us, and you can share infor­ma­tion about our ser­vices and events.

Vol­un­teer with SACHA:
There are so many ways to vol­un­teer with SACHA! You can become a 24 Hour Sup­port Line vol­un­teer, join a Com­mit­tee, vol­un­teer at Events, or join the Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion vol­un­teer team! We could­n’t do all of the work we do to sup­port sur­vivors with­out our amaz­ing vol­un­teers! Vis­it sacha​.ca/​v​o​l​u​nteer for more information.

24 hour support line
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Upcoming event
Chocolate Fest 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm

The sweetest fundraiser of the year!

Learn more..