Blog > Our helpline is available in over 300 languages

Our helpline is available in over 300 languages

December 27, 2019

Please help us get the word out to folks who could bet­ter use our Sup­port Line in lan­guages oth­er than Eng­lish: we are now ready to serve them better.

Sur­vivors of sex­u­al vio­lence, and their sup­port per­sons, can now call the line — 905.525.4162 — and say their first name, phone num­ber and which lan­guage (and dialect) they speak. They will get a call back with­in a few min­utes with a trained SACHA sup­port per­son and an inter­preter, ready to pro­vide emo­tion­al sup­port and infor­ma­tion in the lan­guage they are most com­fort­able in. We have access to inter­preters in over 300 lan­guages and dialects.

Les ser­vices disponibles à Hamil­ton aux sur­vivants fan­coph­o­nes d’a­gres­sion sexuelle:

Ser­vices avail­able in Hamil­ton to French speak­ing sur­vivors of sex­u­al assault: