Please help us get the word out to folks who could better use our Support Line in languages other than English: we are now ready to serve them better.
Survivors of sexual violence, and their support persons, can now call the line — 905.525.4162 — and say their first name, phone number and which language (and dialect) they speak. They will get a call back within a few minutes with a trained SACHA support person and an interpreter, ready to provide emotional support and information in the language they are most comfortable in. We have access to interpreters in over 300 languages and dialects.
Les services disponibles à Hamilton aux survivants fancophones d’agression sexuelle:
- Fem’aide, une ligne téléphonique provinciale pour femmes francophones traitant de la violence — 1.877.336.2433
- Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton/Niagara offre des conseils et des groupes pour les survivants — 905−528−0163
Services available in Hamilton to French speaking survivors of sexual assault:
- Fem’aide, a provincial telephone helpline for Francophone women dealing with violence — 1.877.336.2433
- Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton/Niagara offers counselling and groups for survivors — 905−528−0163