Resources > Reference


What is Sexual Violence - June 2019

Sex­u­al vio­lence is a broad term that describes any vio­lence, phys­i­cal or psy­cho­log­i­cal, car­ried out through sex­u­al means or by tar­get­ing sexuality.

What is Group?

Sex­u­al abuse sur­vivors may know that oth­er peo­ple have expe­ri­enced vio­lence, but it is a very dif­fer­ent feel­ing to be in a room with oth­er peo­ple say­ing I felt this,” or I lived this,” and know­ing that you are not alone in your healing.

What Happens When You Call the Line - December 2018

SACHA 24 Hour Sup­port Line offers con­fi­den­tial and anony­mous 24-hour non-judg­men­tal tele­phone support.

Take Back the Night and Gender - July 2016

We’re work­ing to cre­ate a space that cen­tres the expe­ri­ences of sur­vivors who are women and non-bina­ry folks.

Myths and Lies We’re Taught About Sexual Violence

Our society’s under­stand­ing of sex­u­al assault is com­pli­cat­ed by myths. Many of these myths blame or shame the sur­vivor of sex­u­al assault, instead of hold­ing the offend­er respon­si­ble for their actions.

Healthy Relationship Checklist

What makes a healthy relationship? 

SACHA Policies - 2.19 Scent Free Awareness - Revised March 2015

Many peo­ple expe­ri­ence health con­cerns aris­ing from expo­sure to scent­ed prod­ucts. In order to cre­ate a safe, com­fort­able and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment for all ser­vice users, Mem­bers and vis­i­tors, SACHA asks that all staff, stu­dents, vol­un­teers and peo­ple access­ing SACHA strive to pro­vide a scent-free space.

SACHA Policies - 2.11 Acessibility - Revised March 2015

SACHA strives to make our ser­vices ful­ly acces­si­ble and ground­ed in prin­ci­ples of dig­ni­ty and equi­ty. All SACHA ser­vices will oper­ate in com­pli­ance with the Acces­si­bil­i­ty for Ontar­i­ans with Dis­abil­i­ties Act, 2005 (AODA); SACHA fur­ther endeav­ours to exceed stan­dards out­lined in AODA.

SACHA Policies - 2.10 Trans and Intersex Inclusion - Revised March 2015

SACHA is com­mit­ted to anti-oppres­sive/an­ti-dis­crim­i­na­to­ry prac­tices and inclu­sion of trans, inter­sex, and gen­der queer indi­vid­u­als (or those who iden­ti­fy as oth­er gen­der expres­sions) and will ensure that their rights are respect­ed and pro­tect­ed. SACHA will work to pro­mote a cli­mate that is wel­com­ing to all gen­der identities/​expressions.

SACHA Policies - 2.6 Complaints - Revised March 2015

SACHA strives to offer high qual­i­ty ser­vices. As such, if ser­vice users and/​or com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers have any con­cerns about our work, SACHA strong­ly encour­ages feed­back. SACHA will treat all com­plaints seriously.

SACHA Policies - 2.5 Anti-Harassment - Revised March 2015

SACHA is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing an orga­ni­za­tion­al envi­ron­ment that is free from harass­ment, dis­crim­i­na­tion and vio­lence where per­son­al worth and dig­ni­ty are respected.

SACHA Policies - 2.4 Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression - Revised March 2015

SACHA is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing an orga­ni­za­tion­al envi­ron­ment that is free from racism and all forms of oppres­sion where per­son­al worth and dig­ni­ty are respect­ed. This pol­i­cy encom­pass­es all forms of dis­crim­i­na­tion and oppres­sion includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to: ableism, ageism, anti-Jew­ish oppres­sion, clas­sism, het­ero­sex­ism, racism, gen­derism and sexism.

SACHA Policies - 2.3 Confidentiality - Revised March 2015

Through its counselling/​support ser­vices and out­reach activ­i­ties SACHA has access to a great deal of con­fi­den­tial and sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion. SACHA rec­og­nizes its eth­i­cal respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure that infor­ma­tion about ser­vice users is kept in the strictest of confidence.

Vision, Mission, and Values

SACHA’s guid­ing vision, mis­sion, and values.

Our feminism

We are con­cerned that the actions of Hamil­ton Police failed to address the safe­ty of mem­bers of the LGBTQI2SA+ communities.

Decrim­i­nal­iza­tion of sex work

Decrim­i­nal­iza­tion entails the removal of all sex work relat­ed offences from the Crim­i­nal Code. This means sex work­ers, and their clients, would not be sub­ject to arrest because of activ­i­ties relat­ed to sex work. 

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