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Supporting Survivors

Learn what VAL­OUR’ sup­port skills can sound like when you are sup­port­ing a sur­vivor of sex­u­al violence 

Skills for Providing Support - VALOUR

Use the acronym VAL­OUR to help you remem­ber key skills for pro­vid­ing sup­port to sur­vivors in your life. Val­our means courage and it takes a lot of courage to talk about sex­u­al violence.

5 Ways to Support SACHA

Learn 5 ways that you can sup­port SACHA! For text ver­sion vis­it our blog.

Why Additional Funding During COVID-19 is Important to Sexual Assault Centres

An info­graph­ic made by SACHA using infor­ma­tion from End­ing Vio­lence Asso­ci­a­tion of Cana­da that explains 10 rea­sons why addi­tion­al fund­ing dur­ing COVID-19 is impor­tant for sex­u­al assault centres. 

Street Harassment Infographic Letter

Stand up to sex­u­al harassment!

You Are Not Alone Poster 2

Spread­ing the word about SACHA is like first aid train­ing: you don’t think that you’re going to need it, but you do it just in case. Thank you to Hana Shafi (@frizzkidart) for these posters!

You Are Not Alone Poster

Spread­ing the word about SACHA is like first aid train­ing: you don’t think that you’re going to need it, but you do it just in case. Thank you to Hana Shafi (@frizzkidart) for these posters!

Causes of Sexual Assault

Cre­at­ed by SACHA and designed by McMas­ter University’s stu­dent news­pa­per, The Silhouette

Please share wide­ly while cred­it­ing SACHA and not edit­ing, crop­ping, or chang­ing the image.

Bystander Intervention

You can inter­rupt sketchy behav­iour at a bar, con­cert, or a par­ty to pre­vent sex­u­al violence.

24 hour support line
Are you in crisis? Erasing your footprint Access Chat Support
Upcoming event
Chocolate Fest 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm

The sweetest fundraiser of the year!

Learn more..